So Close
International Online Juried Group ExhibitonExhibition Dates: June 22 - July 12, 2020

So Close refers to a state of unity, of being united or joined together, but also to the idea of a near miss, the almost, and not-quite-there. We invited artists to interpret this theme in relationship to space, process, representation, and material. This work responds to various states of closeness or absence and offers a moment to investigate expectation, proximity, intimacy, vacancy, and omission.
Curated by Krista Brand and Mana Mehrabian
Featuring the work of:
Fern T. Apfel, Giulia Cacciuttolo, Amarise Carreras, Lili Chin, Inês Coelho da Silva, Yumnia Duarte, Toby Kaufmann-Buhler,
Bram Keast, Kelda Martensen, Dani Minuskin, Andre Ramos-Woodard, Nishiki Sugawara-Beda, Chiara Suraci, Flora Wilds,
Christy Wittmer, Katia Yats, Six Dash Nineteen: AliAnn Rushing Attilio & Jessica Lambert, Kengwu Yerlikaya, Ufuk Yılmaz, and Anne Yoncha.
Learn more about the artists and the work in this exhibition here.

Learn more about the artists and the work in this exhibition here.
Image list :
-Chiara Maria Suraci, Informal Path, 2020, Graphite on paper, 100 x 140 cm
-Giulia Cacciuttolo, The third half, 2019, B&W film photographs scanned and printed on polyfilm, aluminium structure, sand, variable dimensions
-Giulia Cacciuttolo, How many times is once more, 2018, B&W thermal wax prints and stone, 80 x 100 x 40 cm
-Christy Wittmer, Fragile Connection, 2020, Porcelain, wood, glazed soft brick, 50” x 11.5” x 11.5”
-Christy Wittmer, An Urgent Cairn, 2020, Wood, glazed soft brick, epoxy, Found rocks, 60” x 12” x 12”
-Andre Ramos-Woodard, Untitled (LIVE LAUGH LOVE), 2019, Archival Inkjet Print, 22” x 28” -Dani Minuskin, Memorial to the Essence that Devours Us, 2017, Coal ashes, honey, wood, bricks, 45” x 32” x 15” -Kelda Martensen, Starting Again, 2019, Woodblock, monotype, solvent transfer, collage, 30” x 22” -Ufuk Yılmaz, Layers 14, 2020, Enamel on plexiglass plaques, 40 x 40 cm (without pedestal) -Ufuk Yılmaz, Layers 19, 2020, Acrylic on canvas, 100 x 140 cm -Toby Kaufmann-Buhler, The Millwheel Everyday, 2017, HD video/stereo sound, 06:19 min. -Flora Wilds, swim ssssstretch, 7 days of performance, 2020, Sculpture (and performance evidence), 10 ft. x 5 ft. -Flora Wilds, False Neutrals, Fake Naturals, 2020, Sculpture/photograph, 8 ft. x 5 ft. x 5ft. |
-Kengwu Yerlikaya, Love as the stone, 2017, Ready-made object; written story (9 pages of unsent love letters translated in three languages)
-Bram Keast, The Opening, 2020, Gouache on paper mâché, 51” x 30”
-Bram Keast, The Closing, 2020, Gouache on paper mâché, 51” x 30”
-Yumnia Duarte, El mar me habló por la ventana, 2020, Collage & graphite on paper, 21 x 30 cm
-Yumnia Duarte, ¿Qué detiene a una ola?, 2020, Collage & graphite on paper, 21 x 30 cm
-Fern Apfel, Mr. Nobody, 2020, Acrylic & pen on wood panel, 16” x 20”
-Nishiki Sugawara-Beda, Kotodama Converse, 2012-2020, Mesh wire, rice paper, rice glue, fishing line, and seal ink, approx. 12 x 10 x 16 ft.
-Katia Yats, You’re a creature, I’m a creature, 2019, performance
-Anne Yoncha, Re:Peat VII, 2020, Ink, gouache, watercolor, conte, and graphite on paper, 18” x 24”
-Amarise Carreras, La Madre de Regla,Yemay á, Yemọja, 2019, Digital 16” x 20”, 1/3
-Amarise Carreras, Nenx sin patria (our mother’s hands becameour homes), 2020, Digital, 16” x 20”, 1/1
-Inês Coelho da Silva, Como dizer adeus a uma Catedral / How to say goodbye to a Cathedral, 2019, Cotton, sea salt, white pepper, pink pepper, black pepper, rose Himalayan salt and rice, 10 x 40 x 7 cm
-Lili Chin, Blind Skin Surface Tension, 2019, Ceramic, terra sigillata, low fired stoneware, porcelain, 21” x 19” x 7”
-Lili Chin, Ipoh Marble Shell, 2020, Paperclay, iron wash, marble, rock, porcelain, 10” x 10” x 16”
-Six Dash Nineteen: AliAnn Rushing Attilio and Jessica Lambert, I MISS YOU, 2020, Video, water, stencils
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